I agreed on email to meet a client for dog training at her house at a set time/date. When I turned up at the house, noone was home. The client has since admitted to forgetting about the appointment but is refusing to pay the agreed fee of £100. I made a 50mile round trip to visit the client and wasted 2 hours of my day.
Where do I stand legally? Is she legally obliged to pay me?


  1. Hummer H1 Parts

    I believe that as the dog training wasn’t carried out the person in question could refuse to pay, unless you had an agreement that she would pay if she missed the appointment. I believe she should pay-up as she obviously wasted your time and you incurred costs(petrol). But legally she may get away with it.
    Next time ensure some-one agrees to a payment for a no- show or a late cancellation, that should help to avoid your time and money being wasted in the future.
    I hope this ladies conscience gets the better of her and she pays up, Good luck…,,,

  2. Hummer H1 Parts

    A telephone call can form a binding contract, the email merely gives provides evidence for your claim.
    A court may not award the full amount, so I would invoice the full amount and send a ‘Without Prejudice’ letter offering to accept a lesser amount if paid within (say) 15 days, otherwise you will issue a county court summons.
    Under English Law, there are only four types of contract that have to be in writing:
    Sale of Land; Sale of Shares; Transfer of an interest in a ship; I have forgotten the other one.

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