My cat is an indoor/outdoor cat who has some, but not many fleas. She has never been taken in for grooming or ever had a flea dip. And she has never wore a flea collar. She’s about 3 years old. Once, we put these flea drops on her and she almost died. So we are leary to try anything like that again. Please help, if you can. Thanks.
The only thing that worked in our house (four cats) was a flea dip and Frontline applications after that. I am wary of over the counter (otc) flea treatments. Frontline is vet prescription only. Flea collars and other otc treatments are typically substandard.
If your cat has an allergy or sensitivity to the treatments, your vet may know of alternatives that you can use. Mention the reaction she had to your vet during the exam so she knows a sensitivity is a possibility.
Use frontline
Don’t use those flea drops that you get at the store. They are toxic. Go to the vet. He can give her a pill called Capstar that will kill all the fleas on her within a couple hours. But it doesn’t last. You also need to have the vet give her the flea drops that you can get only at the vet, and you need to treat your whole house. If she’s indoor/outdoor, she’ll have to be retreated every month and that can get pricey. She’d be better off if you keep her inside.
Take her to the vet. They can recommend what to use. About the flea drops, did you use a brand for dogs? Those can be fatal to cats.
I really would discuss this with your vet. I’ve heard terrible stories of people using over the counter products for fleas. We have one cat that goes out and doesn’t seem to have flea problem.
we use frontline on most of our animals but it costs like 36 dollars
Try a flea collar
Take her to the vet, if she is sensitive to the flea drops then they may have a better suggestion. You should first treat the cat, then set a flea bomb off in your place. Be sure to wrap the kitchen with plastic to protect you from contamination. Fleas can multiply fast and if you can see fleas on your cat then there are a lot more there than you think.
Good luck!
flea repealent
i would really go for the flea collar.
because the solution isn’t really touching the skin.
natural flea spray..found at walmart or petsmart/petco