How Do I Go About House Training A Dog? How Long Does It Take? Is It Easy? Are Certain Breed Easier To Train?
Home / Your Pet Questions / Pet Questions / How Do I Go About House Training A Dog? How Long Does It Take? Is It Easy? Are Certain Breed Easier To Train?
I want a dog/puppy but I am hesitant because of the whole house training thing.
Often asked question, the one thing every new pup owner dreads
Things you need to know first, before you start.
Pups normally arrive to their new home when they are between 8-10 weeks of age. Unfortunately they do not have full bladder control at this age, it is physically impossible for your pup to hold onto it. When he has to go, he will go. How long do I wait then you ask? Well you don’t, you start to teach as soon as pup arrives, but you don’t expect too much, or the impossible.
By 12 weeks his body has matured and bladder control finally kicks in. Even so, the max amount of time he can hold it for will be between 2-4 hours.
1. Pick a spot outside where you intend for pup to go.
2. Every time you take pup out use the same spot.
3. Take pup out as often as every hour for the first week.
4. Take pup out after every feed, drink, exercise, play time.
Even if pup doesn’t go, that’s fine, just wait with pup for a few minutes, if you get a result then give heaps and heaps of praise.
Be consistant, don’t give up and never rub pups nose in his excrements if he does do it inside, all you will do is confuse the pup and possibly turn him against you.
it takes lots of work, everytime you catch your animal trying to go potty in the house, take them outside right away. then, after they go outside, give them a treat and praise them. never hit, slap, spank, ect. your dog if it goes potty in the house.
The length of time it takes to housebreak a dog differs from dog to dog. Generally, the smaller dogs take longer to housebreak because their bladders are smaller and they have to eliminate more frequently. If you can’t be home all day with your pet, one of the best things to do is crate train him or her. This involves getting a kennel that is large enough for the animal to lay down, stand up, and turn around in but is not so big that they have one side for sleeping and one side for elimination. Dogs will not go to the bathroom where they sleep. (This is not true for puppy mill/pet shop dogs because they have been taught to live dirty due to the low standards that are met in caring for them.) Get the animal familiar with the kennel by feeding meals in the kennel with the door open and praising the dog every time he/she approaches the kennel. This will create good feelings for the dog to associate with the kennel and the kennel will become the dog’s personal space rather than a scary “prison.” Place the dog in the kennel while at work/school/running errands. Upon returnind home take the dog outside right away to eliminate. Praise the dog with a combination of excited, high pitched voice, treats, and pets. Keeping the praises random will be more exciting for the dog than getting the same treat every time. This method works well for most dogs as long as they don’t have separation anxiety. Also, feed your dog the best food you can find. Better foods fulfill the nutrition requirements with less bulk and unnecessary additives. The less you put into your dog, the less that comes out!
Lauren M
It’s easier than you think. First thing you will need is a crate. Keep in mind how long the puppy will need to be alone during the day. Younger puppies just physically cannot hold it a whole day, so you might consider adopting a dog that is a little older. Plus, it may already be housetrained!! What a deal that would be! The absolute best book on housetraining is Housebreaking: Pure and Simple by Mark and Dru Katz. It’s about $5 on Amazon and has everything you will need to know to potty train any dog. Crate training is by far the easiest and less stressful way to housetrain. The crate is the den, where the dog sleeps, and a dog will naturally not want to soil where he/she sleeps. The dog will be kept in the crate anytime you are not in the house for any reason or any amount of time, sleeping, cooking, eating, reading, watching tv, etc. Anytime you cannot keep an eye on the dog, it should be crated. As soon as you get home, when it wakes up, before you crate it, after it eats or drinks a lot of water and at regular intervals a puppy will need to go out to potty. Take it to the area you want it to potty, wait, when it goes, praise the daylights out of it. Make sure it know that’s the best thing in the world that he/she could have ever done, then go back inside. Any accidents should quickly and quietly be cleaned up with an enzyme cleaner you can get at the pet store. If you do not catch the dog in the act, you cannot correct it, so don’t even try. Once the dog gets the hang of the routine, it’s really simple. Get the book. It’s really easy. Also, the crate is never used for punishment. It should only be associated with good things. Feed in the crate during feeding time (but not when the dog will be alone), give the dog lots of safe yummy toys in the crate like Kongs with peanut butter and be happy and friendly when you put the dog in the crate.
hezelp me
First question is it a puppy, if it is it shouldnt be very hard. When i got my puppy which is a springer spaniel i used a kennel to potty train him. You will want a kennel that is kind of small but comfortable for them. leave them in thier kennel for most of the time exept for play time and when you take him potty. take him every 4 hours exactly and dont go back inside untill it goes . When it does go potty reward it with a treat and good dog and be sincere about it. If you do this process it should only take 2-7 days to train it . they wont go inside of thier kennel because it is thier instinct to go potty away from thier food and sleeping area. after you are confident that your puppy knows that it needs to go outside to go potty then you can let it out of the kennel as much as you want. training them this way also creates a strong bond with thier kennel and they will like it there so you shou.ldnt have any separation issues when you are forced to leave it home for school/work. Also NEVER rub the dogs nose in its potty if it has an accident, its ok to discipline it ,but if you are screaming yelling and rubbing its nose in poop , you will only succeed in making the dog very afraid of you and will make any additional training much more hard. The object of training a dog is to let them know who is boss, and to build friendship between dog and owner. If you are kind but stern in your voice as well they will learn fast. hope this helps.
House training can be very frustrating. You are asking this question at the right time, most will wait until they get a puppy and then discover it’s quite challenging.
The best thing is to educate yourself first. All breeds are trainable with proper planning and a good program.
Timing depends on you and how much effort you will put into it. If you get a puppy and then turn right around and go to work for 8 to 12 hours leaving the puppy unattended you will fail for sure.
Most professional trainers now provide their material online in the form of eBooks. One I recommend is here:http://skycforme.dogdogdog.hop.clickbank…
This is a very low cost method with a guarantee. You can follow a step-by-step outline. Plus this program offers email consultation should you have questions.
With proper planning and preparation you can’t go wrong when your new puppy (bundle of joy) arrives.
Good Luck….
Often asked question, the one thing every new pup owner dreads
Things you need to know first, before you start.
Pups normally arrive to their new home when they are between 8-10 weeks of age. Unfortunately they do not have full bladder control at this age, it is physically impossible for your pup to hold onto it. When he has to go, he will go. How long do I wait then you ask? Well you don’t, you start to teach as soon as pup arrives, but you don’t expect too much, or the impossible.
By 12 weeks his body has matured and bladder control finally kicks in. Even so, the max amount of time he can hold it for will be between 2-4 hours.
1. Pick a spot outside where you intend for pup to go.
2. Every time you take pup out use the same spot.
3. Take pup out as often as every hour for the first week.
4. Take pup out after every feed, drink, exercise, play time.
Even if pup doesn’t go, that’s fine, just wait with pup for a few minutes, if you get a result then give heaps and heaps of praise.
Be consistant, don’t give up and never rub pups nose in his excrements if he does do it inside, all you will do is confuse the pup and possibly turn him against you.
it takes lots of work, everytime you catch your animal trying to go potty in the house, take them outside right away. then, after they go outside, give them a treat and praise them. never hit, slap, spank, ect. your dog if it goes potty in the house.
The length of time it takes to housebreak a dog differs from dog to dog. Generally, the smaller dogs take longer to housebreak because their bladders are smaller and they have to eliminate more frequently. If you can’t be home all day with your pet, one of the best things to do is crate train him or her. This involves getting a kennel that is large enough for the animal to lay down, stand up, and turn around in but is not so big that they have one side for sleeping and one side for elimination. Dogs will not go to the bathroom where they sleep. (This is not true for puppy mill/pet shop dogs because they have been taught to live dirty due to the low standards that are met in caring for them.) Get the animal familiar with the kennel by feeding meals in the kennel with the door open and praising the dog every time he/she approaches the kennel. This will create good feelings for the dog to associate with the kennel and the kennel will become the dog’s personal space rather than a scary “prison.” Place the dog in the kennel while at work/school/running errands. Upon returnind home take the dog outside right away to eliminate. Praise the dog with a combination of excited, high pitched voice, treats, and pets. Keeping the praises random will be more exciting for the dog than getting the same treat every time. This method works well for most dogs as long as they don’t have separation anxiety. Also, feed your dog the best food you can find. Better foods fulfill the nutrition requirements with less bulk and unnecessary additives. The less you put into your dog, the less that comes out!
It’s easier than you think. First thing you will need is a crate. Keep in mind how long the puppy will need to be alone during the day. Younger puppies just physically cannot hold it a whole day, so you might consider adopting a dog that is a little older. Plus, it may already be housetrained!! What a deal that would be! The absolute best book on housetraining is Housebreaking: Pure and Simple by Mark and Dru Katz. It’s about $5 on Amazon and has everything you will need to know to potty train any dog. Crate training is by far the easiest and less stressful way to housetrain. The crate is the den, where the dog sleeps, and a dog will naturally not want to soil where he/she sleeps. The dog will be kept in the crate anytime you are not in the house for any reason or any amount of time, sleeping, cooking, eating, reading, watching tv, etc. Anytime you cannot keep an eye on the dog, it should be crated. As soon as you get home, when it wakes up, before you crate it, after it eats or drinks a lot of water and at regular intervals a puppy will need to go out to potty. Take it to the area you want it to potty, wait, when it goes, praise the daylights out of it. Make sure it know that’s the best thing in the world that he/she could have ever done, then go back inside. Any accidents should quickly and quietly be cleaned up with an enzyme cleaner you can get at the pet store. If you do not catch the dog in the act, you cannot correct it, so don’t even try. Once the dog gets the hang of the routine, it’s really simple. Get the book. It’s really easy. Also, the crate is never used for punishment. It should only be associated with good things. Feed in the crate during feeding time (but not when the dog will be alone), give the dog lots of safe yummy toys in the crate like Kongs with peanut butter and be happy and friendly when you put the dog in the crate.
First question is it a puppy, if it is it shouldnt be very hard. When i got my puppy which is a springer spaniel i used a kennel to potty train him. You will want a kennel that is kind of small but comfortable for them. leave them in thier kennel for most of the time exept for play time and when you take him potty. take him every 4 hours exactly and dont go back inside untill it goes . When it does go potty reward it with a treat and good dog and be sincere about it. If you do this process it should only take 2-7 days to train it . they wont go inside of thier kennel because it is thier instinct to go potty away from thier food and sleeping area. after you are confident that your puppy knows that it needs to go outside to go potty then you can let it out of the kennel as much as you want. training them this way also creates a strong bond with thier kennel and they will like it there so you shou.ldnt have any separation issues when you are forced to leave it home for school/work. Also NEVER rub the dogs nose in its potty if it has an accident, its ok to discipline it ,but if you are screaming yelling and rubbing its nose in poop , you will only succeed in making the dog very afraid of you and will make any additional training much more hard. The object of training a dog is to let them know who is boss, and to build friendship between dog and owner. If you are kind but stern in your voice as well they will learn fast. hope this helps.
House training can be very frustrating. You are asking this question at the right time, most will wait until they get a puppy and then discover it’s quite challenging.
The best thing is to educate yourself first. All breeds are trainable with proper planning and a good program.
Timing depends on you and how much effort you will put into it. If you get a puppy and then turn right around and go to work for 8 to 12 hours leaving the puppy unattended you will fail for sure.
Most professional trainers now provide their material online in the form of eBooks. One I recommend is here:http://skycforme.dogdogdog.hop.clickbank…
This is a very low cost method with a guarantee. You can follow a step-by-step outline. Plus this program offers email consultation should you have questions.
With proper planning and preparation you can’t go wrong when your new puppy (bundle of joy) arrives.
Good Luck….