I was thinking about doing it as a profession, but not in the big shows just locally.


  1. Moosey

    I am currently enrolled at Animal Beahvior College, and I am loving every second of it. I am about 2 months in and am learning sooooo much and having so much fun. Check it out, I defintely recommend it

  2. jess

    things needed
    1-patience. lots of patience
    2-love for animals.
    3-ability to work with people as well as animals
    4-knowledge of different dog breeds. [good with children, aggression,attention span etc]
    [like a chihuahau has the attention span of a newborn human with ADD and will just stare at you like your a freak, while a golden retriever will be more than happy to please you]
    if you have these qualities than GO FOR IT!!!

  3. Septembe

    Try going to EducationDirect.com and looking at their courses. They offer a degree in dog training and you can do it all at home and take the tets online. I also know that PetSmart will hire you as a trainer and teach you how to teach classes in their store.

  4. search engine optimization company

    If you are serious about this then I suggest you find a website for the Koehler Method of Dog Training. There are many groups and sites based on this method. The man who wrote the original book – Arthur Koehler – pioneered the first dog training programs for the police and military dogs of America, and yet these same dogs who were trained in his method were also recruited to work in films with children. A Koehler-trained dog is a dog which is safe, responsible, reliable and well-behaved in any situation. There is no better training methodology in the world and I have looked at most of them. Find a group near you and if you can’t, order his book and study it thoroughly. Good luck.

  5. Misa M

    Apdt.com is a great place to start. They’ll have a reading list and a lot of other useful info. Have a look at http://www.agilityevents.net/events.php
    and volunteer to help out at agility trials near you – that will give you a lot of exposure to trainers, clubs that you could possibly go to learn things from, etc. Good luck!

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