I have a golden retriever and he is going to be nine months old soon. He is a very loyal dog and very well behaved when we are home. We never really crate trained him from day one and i know that is wrong and we have a crate and all. He never pottys in the house and rarely every did when he was younger. We would let him alone for 8 hours at the most while we were at work and no mess at all. However within the past week or two he has been chewing all of our shoes up and even tore the carpet up. However i have a halloween ornaments on a coffee table (well in reach) and plants that he doesnt touch. He is very spoiled, i take him everwhere and spend alot of time with him. He even sleeps with my wife and i. I think it might be seperation anxiety but i dont know. Should i start crate training him? Is it too late? Or should i try leaving the radio or tv on while im not home and leave him out all day? Please help, Thank You
It could be Seperation Anxiety. Goldens are notorious for this problem. They simply don’t like being left alone. You should really do some research into this, starting with a quick search on the net. The possible solutions for this are to numerous and lengthy to go into here.
Crate training is something I highly recommend. IMO, crates have saved as many dogs’ lives as vets! A crated dog is loved on when the owners return home instead of the owners being upset at yet another mess the dog left. A crated dog doesn’t cause a fire and die when he chews up an electrical cord. And so on.
Start out crate training slowly. Toss a few treats in the crate, let the dog go in and out at will. Begin feeding the dog in the crate, with the door open. Encourage him to go in but don’t force him at first. Use lots of yummy things to make him WANT to go in.
After he is comfortable going in and out, start shutting the door. Keep it closed for only a minute or two the first 4 or 5 times, letting him out and giving pats and loving, then gradually lengthen the times with the door shut.
As soon as he starts spending 5 – 10 minutes in the crate, get a big knuckle bone or a large, heavy duty chew bone. Give him this special treat ONLY when he is crated with the door shut. Pick it up as he leaves the crate. He should be happy to lay for 1/2 hour or longer with such a special treat.
Don’t open the door of the crate if he is acting up or beating at the door with his legs. If you have to, shout his name so he shuts up and looks up at you for a second, THEN quickly open the door while he is quiet.
Good luck!
You cant crayte train him now. Maybe you should try coming home on your lunch brake and walk him and hang out with him. My dog hates being alone, 8 hours is a long time and it gets very lonely, expecially if there isn’t another dog for him to play with.
Leave him some toys to chew, very lonely, could someone come over once a day…to visit and take outside for ten minutes? If not, I think you need another pet, dog or cat, for company, it took me
six years to figure out, went through lots of destruction.
Crate training takes some time and effort, but it is a proven way to help train dogs who act inappropriately without knowing any better. If you have a new dog or puppy, you can use the crate to limit his access to the house until he learns all the house rules—like what he can and can’t chew on and where he can and can’t eliminate. Surprisingly, you are suppsed to keep a dog in a small space when you are not with him. This is because when he is left alone with nothing to do, he becomes overwhelmed. I strongly reccommend crate training. Just put him in there when you leave and take him out when you get home. I got this information from a book called “dog training for dummies” and it helped me out alot when i trained my dog.
Yes you should crate train your dog. Just because if you decide to leave or someone comes over who is afraid of dogs he will know to go in his crate and you won’t have to shove him in there.
Crate training is’nt a bad thing but I personally would never crate a dog or cat while I’m gone.I’m afraid the place will catch fire and they’d be trapped.If left to roam the house or at least one room with a window then it’s my hope they’d be smart enough to go thru it to get free of danger.
I don’t believe it’s too late to crate train your dog if that’s really what you want to do.
Your dog is indeed suffering seperation anxiety.I went thru about the same thing with my shepherd.It was completely cured the day we bought another puppy to keep him company.We let him pick out his new friend as he’d be the one who would have to tolerate the new one the most.It worked wonderfully for us.But before you invest in another mouth to feed I have some suggestions for you.
Try giving your dog a large rawhide to chew while you’re gone.Treat balls or kong toys stuffed with peanut butter.Hide dog biscuits around the house for him to find while you’re gone.Mine love hunting for surprises.Don’t completely conceal the treat.Leave a part of the biscuit sticking out from under the coffee table or chair.
Keep all your toys put up out of reach and he can’t chew them!He’s going for shoes cos they smell like you.Next he’ll go for the T.V. remote or anything else you touch frequently.If he can’t get at the last thing you’ve touched he may turn to the furniture or pillows.So pick one room of your house to close him in while you’re gone.Do you have a basement?If not then I’d pick the kitchen.Close off the rest of the house with baby gates and leave him with plenty of chew toys.
T.V.or radio my boys could care less about.Everyday here is an adventure and they can’t wait for mom, to come home so the packs complete and they can go Bye-Bye.
Exercise is an absolute necessity here.Tire your dog out before you leave and he’ll sleep for a couple of hours and his wait for you will be far shorter.A romp in the yard alone while you get ready won’t do at all either.
I get up early and take my dogs to the park with a laser light since it’s still dark out it’s the perfect exercise tool.They run and chase the light and stay close to me while off leash.They play for an hour daily.The first half hour I run them hard after the light the last half hour I walk them around the field we go to which I’ve already scoped out to make sure there’s no holes for them to step in while running.We walk at a fairly brisk pace.They potty then we come home and they get left in the yard while I finish getting ready for work.Your dog has a high energy level as well so I suggest you find a place you can take him to run off leash before you go to work as well.
If there’s nowhere close you can take him before work then take him for a brisk walk around the neighborhood for at least 40 minutes.
My dogs are 4 and 2 now.My rule of thumb is if the exercise they’ve gotten does’nt produce at least a 2 hour nap it was’nt enough.So start on the week-end when you can monitor his nap when you get home.
It’s getting colder and I know it’s a major pain to pull on all those clothes to take the dog out in all sorts of weather when I could be in a nice warm bed.A day does’nt go by without my wishing I could climb back under the covers.But the happy looks and the cuddling and kisses I get make my sacrifice well worthwhile.
Your dog is not that different from a child and his needs must be met before your own.
Could be seperation anxiety,, could be that chewing stage they have round about this time in life. Does he have enough chew toys of his own to work on while all of you are gone from the house? Make sure your shoes and similar personal wear items are put away out of reach. The carpet? Ouch, that could get expensive!!
You shouldn’t have to put up with the dog destroying things. If the radio/tv and having his own chew toys doesn’t work- your only choice is going to be crate training. And that’s not a bad thing for him to learn. Our Staffie has a big crate that is left open for her to use as a ‘den of her own’. She will go curl up in it sometimes even when we are home.
Crate training is a GOOD thing. It is never too late. I have used those childrens gates on occation when I know I will be gone unreasonably long and the dog has a larger environment. Yep, sure sounds like separation anxiety……They give meds for that now you know. Whatever you decide it must be like NOW you can’t let this ride…..believe me it only escalates. I have witnessed the damage that can be done…You don’t want that. Good luck my friend.
Crate train him! A house is NEVER 100% dog proof. Chemicals and electric cords are two big household dangers to dogs, and you can never eliminate the risks.
It sounds like separation anxiety to me and he is probably mad at you for leaving him at home. I have two dogs and one is crate trained and one is not. The one that is crate trained is much better than the one that is not. I would try crate training him because it might not be to late that kind of depends on the dog. We leave ours in the crate in the day time and at night he is confined to the kitchen. So try it for a week or two and if it works great if not try to confine him to a smaller room like the kitchen or bathroom because being in a big place the whole house for example can sometime be overwhelming for them and that is when they get in to trouble.