What Household Products Kill Fleas?

I have found fleas on my bed and saw them jump off of me. My dog lives outside and rarely comes inside at all. I am looking for a way to get rid of them with out having to go and by expensive sevendust or another product. So please tell me what works?

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Understanding Why Your Cat Stalks

By their very nature, cats are excellent hunters who thoroughly enjoy stalking their prey. For domesticated cats, their “prey” can be something as simple as an insect or a wind up toy. But, is it always healthy and normal for a cat to stalk, or is there ever a reason to be concerned about a […]

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Easy Tricks to Medicating Your Cat

Many pet owners dread these words, “Give your cat one of these pills twice a day.” Any pet owner knows the frustration of forcing a pill down the throat of a cat who does not feel well and who is not a willing participant. Before you don your protective armour to medicate your cat, try […]

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