I have a female, golden retriever, she is almost 1 yr old (jan. 1st). When should i start to teach her how not to be gun shy?
Articles Tagged: Start
How Do I Start Training My Hunting Dog?
I have a german shorthaird pointer and hes almost 4 months old. I bought the quail starter pack from bass pro shop. It came with quail scent, a long leash, and a canvas dummy. What do I do now? Do i put the scent on the canvas dummy? Then what? Any n all info will […]
I Would Like To Start My Dog In Weight Pull Training?
He is a 5 month old European Working-line GSD and can pull with so much force my wife cant even walk him anymore. So how do i get started? and what materials do i need to begin his training.
Just Been Giveing A Rotty What Age Is Best To Start Dog Training It 14 Weeks Old Now?
Hi there. Immediatley, Pick ONE task at at time like house training, PRAISE your rottie everytime time, with gentle voice “good dog” really let them know that they have done it right. When the do have a mess in doors which they will DO NOT rub their nose in it, snack it etc, just do […]
What Is A Good Age To Start Seriously Training A Dog For Competive Obedience?
7 weeks they absorb everything.
How Old Does A Coon Hunting Dog Need To Be Before You Start Training Them?
I have a 5 1/2 month old red bone hound and i want to train her to be a coon hunting dog. i need to know if she is ready to be trained and if anyone knows a good website that explains how i should train her and what i will need.
How Long Can Advantage Take To Start Killing Fleas On My Dog And Cat?
We put the proper dose of Advantage on them yesterday. We vacuumed the carpets real well, put flea power over the carpets and let the powder sit for a few hours. Today (the next day), i am still seeing live fleas on the animals and around the house. I have never had carpets before the […]
How To Start Training Dog For Duck Hunting.?
Find a hunting club in your area. I belong to 2 and they can teach you everything you will need to know about training your dog. Good luck!
When Is The Best Time To Start Training Your Dog?
Are they ever too young or too old to learn?
How Does One Start Training Their Dog For Agility Competitions?
And how old should they be before starting to teach them how to do agility?
When Can I Start Potty Training My Dog?
I have a 7 week old puggle (pug, beagle mix). She gives no warning before she goes to the bathroom. Is she too young to potty train? If not, how should I potty train?
How Do I Start Training My Dog For Agility?
i am interested in entering my whippet in an agility competition, but i don’t know how to start him off for training, we don’t have those jumps but we just use mops or brooms or skinny logs, and can we use leads to guid them around and what types of jumps and stuff will be […]
Where Can I Find Information On What It Will Cost To Start A Full Scale Dog Training Business In Arizona?
Go to http://www.score.org/template_gallery.ht… and download the Excel template for estimating start up costs.
When Should I Start Worrying About Fleas?
I live in Pa and we have pretty cold weather until April. When do I start using Advantage on my puppy? I would like to prevent fleas as much as possible.
How To Start Off Training My Dog?
I have a 6 month old lab/shepherd mix. She is full of energy. How should I start off training her? With a walk first, so she’s a bit calm for the obedience training?
How Do I Start My Own Dog Training Bussiness?
Go to http://www.score.org/index.html and in the upper left hand corner, enter your zip code. On the next screen, you will get information in the nearest SCORE chapter. Call them and arrange for a free meeting with a SCORE counselor to discuss starting your dog training business. SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to entrepreneur education […]
What Is The Best Way To Start Training My Dog?
I have an Aussie and I want to start training her. What should I start out with doing and how sould I do it?
What Is The Best Way To Start Training Your Dog?
I just got a new puppy and I want to teach her some tricks, but this is my first dog in 8 years and the first dog I want to teach tricks to. So, how do I start? Plus, she bites like CRAZY!!! She goes really hyper 70 to 80% of the time. (She is […]
Is It Too Late To Start My Dog In Training Classes?
She is a 3 and a half year old Beagle. She is a very stubborn dog which never goes to sleep, barks all night and she has to be chained to a pole when she comes inside as she runs around the house and steals items, like socks or plastic. I mainly want to house […]
When Do You Start Training Your Dog?
I’ve recently adopted 2 dogs, the first one is a Golden Retreiver and he is 9 weeks old, I know he is too young for some serious training but he didn’t even learned how to sit and come yet, he is very hyper so it is very difficult to get his attention. The other is […]