is there any other way isnt it cruel to have the puppy locked up or will it get used to it also when do you stop using the crate altogether any other way to potty train a puppy
Articles Tagged: Train
How Do You Train A Dog To Stop Jumping Up At Other Dogs ? And Barking At Them ?
How do you train a dog to stop jumping up at other dogs ? We have a pug border cross. Do you train it to sit and then tell it to sit when he sees another dog ? Or do you need to do something else ? Can you train him yourself or should you […]
What’s Excatly Crate Training And How Do You Train Your Dog To Crate?
do you have to put papers in there? im really clueless links to help me!!
What’s Excatly Crate Training And How Do You Train Your Dog To Crate?
do you have to put papers in there? im really clueless links to help me!!
When Is The Best Time(age) To Train A Dog? Not House Training, But Runing And Jumping?
I have american staffordshire terrier and i would like to train him properly.
What Is The Best Way To House Train A Dog? I Have Heard About Crate Training, But…?
In the past I have used paper training and frequent walks. What has worked best for you?
How Can You Train A Dog Without Having To Go To A Doggy Training Class?
We just got a new puppy, she is a seven month old bichon. she is house trained but does not know her name or any basic commands. I would like to be able to train her without having to go to a doggy class.
How Do You Use Dog Training Discs And What Behaviours Do They Train Your Dog?
WTF is a dog training disc?
How Do You Train A 1 Yr Old Dog Not To Bark, Dig And Check Up Things When They’ve Had No Prior Training?
I have a 1 yr old golden lab that i received as a give-away and she appears to have no prior training. She has started to tear up EVERYTHING and runs away at night, but returns in the morning. She has started to bark whenever a car drives by, whenever someone walks by, and sometimes […]
How Do You Train A 1 Yr Old Dog Not To Bark, Dig And Check Up Things When They’ve Had No Prior Training?
I have a 1 yr old golden lab that i received as a give-away and she appears to have no prior training. She has started to tear up EVERYTHING and runs away at night, but returns in the morning. She has started to bark whenever a car drives by, whenever someone walks by, and sometimes […]
How Do You Train A 1 Yr Old Dog Not To Bark, Dig And Check Up Things When They’ve Had No Prior Training?
I have a 1 yr old golden lab that i received as a give-away and she appears to have no prior training. She has started to tear up EVERYTHING and runs away at night, but returns in the morning. She has started to bark whenever a car drives by, whenever someone walks by, and sometimes […]
Does Shock Collar Dog Training Work, How Old Should The Dog Be, And How Do You Shock Train?;… Please read this article, carefully. I have used electric collars for over 20 years with great results. It depends on what you need done and how much work you are willing to out into it. Do not listen to the bleeding hearts who tell you how cruel it is and how much it hurts, […]
How To Train My Dog To Poop Outside After Being Trained In Training Pads?
My puppy is a Shih-poo. He only pees or poos in his pottty training pads. We now wannna start takin him out to poop. Any suggestions as to how to do it. He is a little less than 4 months. He holds his poop until hegets home to do his job in the training pads. […]
How To Train My Dog In House Training?
I cover up the smell with this cleaner called awsome. Now my question is how do I get my dog to go outside to pee and poop? I take him out and sometimes just leave him outback but he never goes. He will come in and pee and poop in my house. What should I […]
What Training Method Can I Use To Train My Dog To Stop Jumping Or Digging Out From Under My Fence?
My young retriever/shephard mix dog just started this behavior and I want to break her of this behavior. I have a 1 acre lot and can’t block every breach that she discovers.
How Can I Train My Beagle To Hunt Rabbits With A “dog Training Rabbit Scent?
Should spray some on a teddy or something and make my dog chew on it or tees him with it. WHAT SHOUL I DO
How Do You Get A Dog Training Lic. To Train Protection Dogs?
i am interested in a part time gig as a dog agitator for people who want to protect themselves
Do I Send My Dog For Training Or Train It Myself?
I have a 1 year old Golden Retriever and my family wants me to get it trained. Shall I send it for training or train it myself?
Guard Dog Training How To Train A Dog To Be Nice To Family And Mean To Strangers?
I’m getting a rottweiler soon hes like 6 months and we have a big fenced in backyard I’m getting him for my granny she alone until i get from school and work from 7 am until 10 pm for some people that say” What if he bites somebody” their in our yard to be bitten […]
How Do You Train A Dog To Come On A Long Training Lead (50ft)?
My dog runs to other dogs whenever he is let off the lead without taking any notice of you calling him so i bought a 50ft training lead but am unsure how to use it effectively. He doesn’t seem interested in food or toys at all if there are other dogs. Any tips?