My sister’s dalmation is going deaf according to the vet. He’s 4 years old and already well trained, but she’s going to have to re-train him to use hand signals “Sit” “Stay” etc..
Are there any good websites that you know of that might help with this?


  1. §♫♪‹(•¿•

    I just google “deaf dalmatians” and even found a YOU TUBE video.
    My dog hears fine, but I use certain body language with her to get results. I have trouble bending. So I get her to jump front feet on the couch to “meet me half way”. So when I sit in the computer chair and face my knees toward the couch…she knows it’s kissypoo time.
    When I put my foot under her bed, she knows she has to go outside.
    I do use my voice and music with her too. But I wanted to share the mute commands part with you.
    I write songs and she knows which songs are about her. She gets excited when I sing to her. I say God sent me an audience when he sent me my dog.
    Good luck. Just go read up on deaf dalmatians.

  2. teresa

    It should work well. My dogs understand hand signals better than verbal commands, and they can hear just fine. Good luck!

  3. grammype

    There is a book out called Deaf Not Dumb by Barry Eaton, you could get also just type in traning your deaf dog and see what comes up.

  4. Free WP Autoposter Plugins

    I know sign language but use different signs for my dog. You just start back at the basics if he can’t hear anything, the same way she trained on verbal but if he can still hear, then you use the sign and then the verbal. We have had my new dog for 3 weeks and knows our signs already.

  5. recycler

    Imagine wowwing your friends by commanding your dog to do various tricks, all without using your voice. Teaching a dog to respond to commands in sign language is very similar to the training for voice commands. It is especially helpful to use American Sign Language commands for deaf dogs.
    Difficulty: Moderate
    1Step OneFamiliarize yourself with the signs for common commands. Practice each sign until you are comfortable with signing. Use the website resources below to look up signs. You can make up your own hand commands. Be consistant with each command when training the dog.
    2Step TwoBegin with a simple command such as “sit.” Give both the audible command and the sign command for “sit.” Reward the dog immediately after the command is followed. If the dog does not know the command or ignores it, place a hand on the dog’s rump and press down. This will put the dog in the sitting position. Immediately give a reward.
    3Step ThreeWean the dog from the audible command by introducing the sign alone after the dog is familiar with the command and follows it consistently. Reward the dog immediately after the command is followed. Consistency and reward is the key to getting the dog to respond each time the command is given.
    4Step FourCorrect the dog if the command is not followed by demonstrating the command. For example: push down on rump for sit while holding treat just above and beyond the nose. Reward the dog when the command is completed.
    5Step FiveRepeat this process with each new command that is introduced to the dog.
    Tips & Warnings
    Keep the training sessions short when introducing new commands. Ten minutes is the recommended amount of training time per session.
    Use an “upbeat” voice during training so that the dog associates training with a good tone of voice.
    Dogs are more likely to follow commands when rewarded with a treat that they really enjoy. Save these desirable dog treats for training sessions to encourage follow through with commands.

  6. karina

    Not sure about websites, but my dog learned both. I wasn’t even trying for a visual command, but I was doing the same hand signal each time I said “sit” or “lay down.” Now all I have to do is the hand signal.
    The dog just needs some incentive (food and praise) to do what you tell him/her when you give a verbal and/or visual signal.

  7. Samantha

    All you have to do it use the hand signal over and over again while saying the command. For example, for sit, say sit while moving your hand in an upward motion, palm up. they will soon realize that that motion is related to that command, and soon you won’t have to say sit anymore.

  8. Freckles

    I’ve got one good website for all kind of info and another with video that demonstrates the hand signals which is ok.

  9. Baby Poots

    Dogs who have been trained verbally are very adapt to being trained by hand signals. Dogs can read lips, just like people. Your sister can probably “retrain” her dalmation by saying the same commands she said before and incorporating hand signals with her lip signals.
    When she says “sit”, use her hand/hands to signal “down”. When she says “stay”, use her one or both her hands in the up-palm position. To indicate she wants the dog to jump, through one, or both hands up. To indicate she wants the dog to roll over, turn one or both hands over.

  10. ♥Kabuto's♥ #1 fan

    How i taught my dog to learn hand signals was put him in a sitting position, do a hand signal,give him a treat, and repeat over the following week. it works. So, break out the Milk Bones and start training. It’s never too late to start. As for websites, i have none.

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