I have a rottweiler puppy. She is 12 weeks old, and she has all shots that puppies need. But how to fight with fleas?


  1. mortgages in Spain

    To remove fleas, bath him in Dawn dishwashing soap. Read it somewhere, try it, it WORK!!
    Do NOT do this often. You do not want to over bath any dog. You will remove natural oils from his skin.
    Then go to the vet and get him on flea, tick, heartworm preventative.

  2. the best registry cleaner

    I swear by Frontline Plus.I use it on 3 dogs and 3 cats. One box has three doses. One dose last one month(according to package) . I can go two boxes( one cat one dog) and it treats all six animals for about 6-7 weeks. One box is on average 30-35 bucks. If you have one dog , one box will last you ALL summer.

  3. ♥Jamie♥

    a natural way is to lightly sprinkle their food with garlic powder. thats what the vet recommend to me

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