Pet owners in the UK might find it a worthwhile exercise to take out pet insurance to cover their pets for any health problems. Vet fees are rising by about 12% every year and about 30% of pets need to be treated by vets annually. A healthy pet is the responsibility of its owner, so it makes sense to approach one of the many companies who specialise in dog insurance if you want your dog to be happy and its health looked after in an affordable way. Companies cover basically the same categories, but do differ considerably in the extras they offer. These extras influence the price of the dog insurance, so careful consideration is necessary before deciding on a product.

There are essentially three different kinds of pet insurance offered, with slight individual variations. The most comprehensive insurance is for life cover, with some companies offering a basic and a more advanced lifelong cover. Although this is the most expensive kind of dog insurance, your dog will be covered for his entire life for any kind of injury or illness, even a chronic condition such as arthritis. The limit available for this insurance is much higher than for the more basic pet insurance and the owner may claim for the same condition for any number of years. The cheapest and most basic kind of dog insurance covers the cost of an unforeseen injury occurring once only. You may claim once only, up to a limited amount and for a limited time only. Another kind of insurance has a higher limit that can be paid out for an injury or illness and is also limited for a certain period only, usually a year.

The basic categories covered in a pet insurance are for death of the pet, veterinary fees which usually calls for an excess amount to be paid by the policy owner; and others such as kennel fees. Dog owners should ensure that third party liability is included on their dog insurance, as this covers costs involved if your dog injures another person or somebody else’s pet or any damage your dog might do to somebody else’s property. This could be a substantial amount, even up to £3 million. Most policies also cover for the advertising or reward costs in case your dog goes missing, quarantine expenses and overseas travel or emergency expenses incurred concerning your pet. It makes sense to exclude any of these items if they are not necessary for your individual situation, as you could save considerably on premiums.

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