Cat Fleas: How Do You Tell If Your Cat Has Them?

How do you know if your cat has fleas? How can cats get fleas? My friend thinks my cat might have them but she doesn’t go outside much. Maybe once every three or four days. And she doesn’t go far from our step. She rubs on the ground though. Could she get them from that?

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How Long Do Fleas Stay On Your Pet?

K so its been like 4 months and my dog still has fleas my mom vacumes and washes everyday and we also put frontline on my dog.The fleas still havnt gone away and the fleas im pretty sure are biting me now.Because i pull alot out a day i did the mayo treament and the […]

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Are You Training Your Dog Or Is Your Dog Training You?

Well, I think its an even match. They train us to what they don’t like, or what they do like. We train them to do what we do like, and not to do what we don’t like. We learn their every move, can tell what they want by how their tail wags or what they’re […]

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