Anyone Need Some Dog Training Advice?

I’m looking for a few people who need dog training advice, who will be willing to write up a testimonial with a piture of their dog for inclusion on my dog training website. I’m offering this to the first 5 people who contact me, at no charge, as I’m just starting my website business. I […]

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Anyone Know A Good Way Of Getting Rid Of Fleas?

I just got a kitten about 6 weeks old (some a**hole left him on the road) and the poor thing has got tons of fleas! I’ve already given him a bath but he is too young to put a flea collar on! Anyone know any good cheap ways of getting rid of em? Thanks!

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Has Anyone Used Diatomaceous Earth To Kill Fleas ?

I want to know before I buy any of this product. I have never had a flea problem with my dogs before, but this year the fleas have been out of control. I use Frontline plus once a month on the dogs and I have also been treating my house and yard for fleas with […]

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