An age old problem – you love your pets but you also love a clean, fresh smelling home. Don't we all! One of the big worries many dog owners have is the fear of 'dog smell' in the home. After a while you, as the home owner, start to worry that whilst you can't necessarily smell anything after getting used to the smells that are familiar to you, perhaps your visitors might! Shock horror.

So here's our little tip sheet on how to remove pet odours from the home.

Remove Pet Odours

With so many products on the market that are designed to remove pet odours, it is really easy to become confused about the entire process.  For the average person it is really easy to find yourself buying a bevy of products that you do not need, while overlooking the simple things that you could be doing to control pet odours.  For the typical person, it is not so much the amount of money that is spent on pet odour cleaners, but rather the types of products and cleaners that are used.

You should keep a kit of supplies in your home to quickly treat any and all pet odours.  This should include at a minimum dish detergent, hydrogen peroxide, borax, vinegar and also baking soda.  These are some standard household supplies that most people have on hand which can be used to effectively neutralize most pet odours quickly and without a large amount of effort.

Consider obtaining an air purifier for your home as well.   This is useful not just to remove any pet odours that might be lurking but it can also help you to remove things such as dust, pollen, and even pet dander.  These are all things that can contribute to the odours in your home, and can create some significant allergy problems, as well as aggravate asthma for those who suffer from it.

Look into a good pet vacuum cleaner also, this will allow you to remove from the carpet and rugs any pet hair as well as some of the odours.  These can help you to remove odours quickly and easily without significant effort just while you are vacuuming your home.  Because of the fact that these specially designed vacuums remove pet hair so well, they are also useful for controlling allergies also.  However, you need to shop around for the best model possible so that you can be certain you will achieve a good result.

Another useful suggestion to follow is to make certain that you are keeping your pet on a steady potty schedule.  If your pet is not able to go outside on a regular basis, you will quickly find that the incidence of accidents is much higher than it really needs to be.  However, this is not something that is a guarantee, but rather only applies if you have a dog.  If you have a cat, you need to make certain that the litter box is kept clean and fresh. 

Other additional steps that you can take to combat the odour is using air fresheners around your home that actually absorb odours.  Products such as Febreeze are excellent in this respect since they only emit a slight odour and do more to neutralized the odours that most typical air fresheners do.  If all you are doing is simply masking the odours you will make it much worse due to the fact that eventually you will have a very difficult time working out exactly when the odour is removed, and what smells worse, the abundance of air freshener or the pet odour itself.  By using only an air freshener that will neutralize the smell, you will freshen your home, without adding a huge abundance of air fresheners that could ultimately worsen the odour in your home.  This could allow you to really enjoy the benefits of careful usage of air freshener as well as still ensure that your home smells wonderful.

It is extremely important that you take the time to properly learn the cleaning techniques that will be needed in order to ensure that you are on your way towards success.  Careful usage of the right techniques will be very helpful as you work towards getting your home back into order and all of the odours removed.  With proper care to ensure that you are moving in the right direction you will find that it is very easy to get everything under control and still have time to actually enjoy your pet.

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