The woman whose place we kennel our puppy at recommended a training book that could help us. The author is Jan Fennell, and she is another modern “dog whisperer”. She’s written several books, but the ones the lady recommended to us are called “The Dog Listener” and “The Practical Dog Listener”.
In these books she features a type of training called Amichien bonding. I won’t go in depth on it now but here is a site describing what it is:…
I was wondering if any of you had tried this form of training and if it worked for you? I am about to implement it with my samoyed.


  1. Unicornr

    I have heard from one person who has used this method, there’s a far higher failure rate. She’s just not as effective as Cesar Millan.

  2. dusty_ro

    I have heard of this method and if you look into it further, you will see it has some serious flaws. Everyone is trying to come out with a ‘new’ training method and this one has been out for years; it just has a new name associated with it now. It was rejected when it was introduced years ago as the secret to training your dog and will be again. There are some good points to this training method but …well…read this site and keep an open mind. There are some very good points made here and it’s easier for you to read them then for me to explain.…

  3. stained glass window film

    It is very basic training and your not going to get anywhere without it. ANy trainer should be using the pets own abilities.
    I did check the site out and the main thing I did notice that I whole heartedly agree with is that many people allow the dog to be in charge then take it away and it does create stress. Just like children (can’t control myu kid worth squat by the way) dogs need firm strong leadership and guidance.
    Most all of my rescues have to be rescued because no one thought to condsider the cute little puppy was going to grow up to have bigger piles of poop and bigger teeth to tear things up wow this might hurt my fingers in a couple of months. You need to be the leader from the beginning. My litter of puppies at six weeks old knows where the food comes from and bombard me when I get them out of the crate. They are learning their packing and social skills with their siblings my five and several other foster of various ages. But Im the mom I say no and I give treats. Even though Im not wrestling down on the floor with them doesn’t mean Im not part of the pack.
    Most everything she says that this training fixes there are others that do the same thing they just call it something different. If you want to do this training I doubt it will hurt anything however to truly get great results with your dog you should do it in a group.
    And yes she is marketing her skills. Nothing wrong with that.

  4. kst

    I’m sure it CAN work, but there are easier methods. For example, there are some really excellent (normal) dog obedience training courses out there that you can use. Be careful though – there are some pretty bad ones too. Here’s one I recommend (a ton of people have had success with this one):

  5. searchpu

    There really is no “best way” to train your dog. Every dog and every trainer have a system that works best for them. A good professional trainer will employ a variety of techniques depending on the dog’s personality.
    If this system works for you and your dog, then it is a good one. It does work through positive reinforcement, which is much better than domination or force training. The most important factor to use when training your dog is consistency. If you find something that works, stick with it. Those people that keep trying something new every week only confuse their dogs and have more problems with their training.
    Good luck with your Samoyed.

  6. Retired

    Nice sales pitch!!!!!!
    I want to train everyone to buy one of these books! Please follow the link below!!!
    I fell for it!

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