Mange In Dogs: What You Need to Know

    Mange…think about it enough times and I am sure you will start to itch at the mere mention of the word! It is neither a pleasant thought nor a pleasant disease to suffer from. Sadly it is more common than you may realise. Often it is only associated with unclean, unloved dogs, but this stigma […]

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    Flea Problems In Summer

    Some pet owners will already have had the unfortunate luck to discover that fleas are a problem throughout all year round, but some may not. Micro-climates in homes, gardens and parks allow them to survive during the coldest winters; however fleas are a bigger issue in summer as warmth and humidity can speed up their life cycle. […]

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    Expert Advice: How To Treat Fleas & Ticks

    Did you know… in a survey conducted in vet surgeries 1 in 10 dogs and more than 1 in 5 cats showed signs of an active flea infestation * *Bond et al. A survey of flea infestations in cats & dogs in the UK during 2005. Vet Rec 2007 160, 503-506 Unknown to most, only […]

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    Canine Cancer Health Guide

    Quite possibly one of the most fearful experiences a dog owner could have is discovering an unusual lump or bump on their dog. Although this is always worthy of further investigation, (always by a vet) it does not always mean that your dog has been struck down with cancer. In fact, in more cases than […]

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    Can Pets Be Hypochondriacs?

    What makes human hypochondriacs so odd and disturbing is that they really do believe that they are suffering from an illness in spite of all evidence to the contrary. Canine hypochondriacs are in many ways far more innocent. They have simply learned that certain actions are rewarded, and behave accordingly.

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    Are You Feeding Your Dog Too Many Carbs?

    Are You Feeding Your Dog Too Many Carbohydrates? There is a significant difference between humans and dogs in their need for carbohydrates and in their ability to digest them. The digestive tract of a human is longer than that of a dog, and the formation of jaws and teeth is entirely different.

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    A Guide to Canine Myopia

    Dogs & Myopia (nearsightedness): Optical measurements of dogs’ eyes have found a surprising incidence of myopia in some breeds. A study of about two hundred dogs by a veterinarian named Christopher J. Murphy and his colleagues found the average canine refractive error to be pretty close to normal (within a quarter of a diopter of […]

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    Phenobarbital for Distemper Induced Seizures: Is it Safe?

    Controlling Seizures Caused By Distemper: Q) I have a four-year-old Labrador mix that contracted distemper from an old neighbor’s puppy. The initial acute period of the disease went by with little problems thanks to homeopathy, but within weeks she was having seizures on a daily basis.

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