My dog is so hard to train I dont what to do about him1
Oh by the way his a Dashshund.


  1. halfpint
    this site has everything even getting your dog not to be scared of loud noises. I like this site a lot. It is one of the best ones, i have seen.

  2. walking lady RIP Tom

    yes – I don’t know the web address, but put in Suzanne Clothier and her sight will come up. She has a book out called Bones Would Rain From the Sky, is a trainer and lecturer. In my opinion she is every bit as good as Cesar Millan, but not as high profile since she doesn’t work with celebrity’s dogs. Her web sight has come excellent articles.

  3. NarutoLo

    I have a little Dachshund too,i don’t know any sites,but you can do what I did,just type dog obedience or something like that in your search bar and browse through those.

  4. blazinfi

    Watch the dog whisperer on national geographic. I learned a lot about dog behavior and the corrections of bad behavior from that show.

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