I want to read as many books as possible from different dog trainers/behaviourists to broaden my knowledge. I know lots of people like Culture Clash and the Cesar Millan series. Any other recommendations? Thanks.


  1. walking lady

    Anything at all by Patricia McConnell, Suzanne Clothier, Pat Miller or Ian Dunbar would be an excellent choice. Brenda Aloff’s book “Get Connected With your Dog” would improve anyone’s relationship with their dog. “Purely Positive Training” by Sheila Booth is also a great book.
    There’s many out there, some of them are for specific problems – way too many to mention.

  2. RuthAnn

    There are so many!
    Good for U that U R going to educate yourself.
    Here is a great one — “Family Dog” by Richard Wolters. He also wrote “Gun Dog” and “Water Dog”
    Almost anything be Carol Lea Benjamen — she writes about obedience, general dog behavior and adopting and tricks — lots of good stuff there. I have met her in person and she is wonderful.
    Go to Dogwise.com and check out there book list.
    If U want AKC stuff like for obedience trials get “Expert Obedience Training” by Winnifred Strickland. It is illustrated with German Shepherd Dogs. So much out there now-a-days. When I started training dogs there were only two training books on the public library shelves (Blanche Saunders who started AKC competitions in obedience & Keohler, one of Walt Disney’s trainers for movies) Now there are hundreds of dog training books. Enjoy!

  3. Dan Steng

    I have tried trainers, books, etc. all with not much luck.
    A few years back, I bought an ebook training system called “The Secrets To Dog Training,” from a website called Puppy Professor http://puppyprofessor.comyr.com/training and it made all the difference in the world.
    I won’t need another trainer again, this book has it all, even a chapter on dog whispering, like Cesar Milan, that is way cool.
    I encourage you to check it out. It has saved me time, and most of all money. It’s like $40 i believe, but it’s 7 or 8 books all in one package. Really, it’s an incredible deal, and a tremendous help.
    The link is in the resource box

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