Arrrrggg fleas suck….. my son, myself and my cats are alergic to them….. I am also allergic to most chemicals. The animals themselves are recieving frontline tommorow, but the fleas are still in the house.So I need to know how much borax I need for aproxmently 1000 sq ft.


  1. ♪ Seattle ♫

    HI there…to eliminate flea infestation with borax (DE) please consider reading the following article which will help you properly use DE without injuring any pets or children.…
    Here’s a excerpt from the website, but please see the link for full details:
    1. Firstly, clear all areas that require treatment.
    Remove all things around the areas to be treated such as shoes, toys from the carpeted areas.
    2. Begin your “boric acid carpet treatment for fleas” by first vacuuming all the carpeted surfaces thoroughly to remove dirt and dust. This will enable the boric acid powder to act more effectively. All cushions should also be removed from furniture. Clean and vacuum the walls as well.
    3. Sprinkle the boric acid powder lightly over all carpeted areas including closet floors and under furniture. Pay special attention to favorite resting places of your pets, as these are likely to be areas where fleas are abundant.
    4. Using a push broom, slowly brush the boric acid powder into the carpets. Brush in one direction to evenly spread out or distribute the powder. Then using a slow back and forth motion to work powder deeper into the carpets until no visible powder remains on the surface.
    5. To make use of boric acid powder to kill fleas on furniture, simply sprinkle the boric acid powder very lightly over the furniture especially the wells. Using a hand brush, work the powder deep into the wells until powder disappears. Vacuum off all excess powder from the furniture.
    Boric acid kills fleas larvae, but is not as effective at killing the adults, so you may not see the results for 2-6 weeks while the adult population dies off. As such, it is helpful to vacuum frequently to kill the adult fleas during the initial weeks after application.
    Normal vacuuming can resumed 24-38 hours following application. All vacuum bags are to be removed and discarded immediately after vacuuming. The boric acid remains active for a long period of time even up to a year. However reapplication is necessary following cleaning of the treated carpets or rugs.
    Beside the mild eye, skin and throat irritation that may be caused by the use of boric acid, it is considered a relatively safe chemical for flea control in homes. With careful application, boric acid offers a safe and effective alternative without the indoor air problems associated with sprays. In fact, with proper care and adhering to label directions and precautions, the exposure to any associated risk is minimal.

  2. llama112

    I know this doesn’t answer the question, but frontline interrupt the life-cycle of the flea. All you have to vacuum up the flea larvae daily, and vacuum everywhere. The adult that do hatch can’t go on the cat anymore and they won’t set up house one you guys since of hygiene practices. It’s takes awhile buts its natural. Though allergies this probably be quick enough for you…

  3. Elaine M

    I’ve known borax to work wonders with cockroaches, but didn’t know it would do anything to fleas (the cockroaches eat it and it explodes them from the inside).

  4. Chalice

    None, preferably. Borax is not great for flea treatment. For effectiveness, you’re better off getting a proper spray from vets. If you’re worried about chemicals, then get Skoosh because it’s pesticide free – it’s silicone.

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