I always thought you push their butts down, but my husband says you just point down. Which is it? Maybe both?


  1. Leigh from Pro Plan®

    You can start working on the “sit” command with puppies as young as seven weeks of age.
    o Start by getting your dog’s attention by using his name, then the command. “Max, sit.”
    o Gently help your dog to the sitting position. Be kind about it – he’s learning, not being bad.
    o Reward your dog for sitting with praise or food (one kibble from his daily meal is enough to keep your dog motivated if you are using food rewards). Provide the reward even if you had to help him at first. You want to teach him that sitting is always a good thing.
    o When you start training, give your dog praise or a food reward as soon as his behind touches the floor. Be ready. You are trying to create a connection between the verbal command “sit” and the reward, but he does not know that yet. Make sure your message is very clear. As he gets better at it, increase the time he has to sit before he gets the reward.
    o Repeat the exercise often. One or two five-minute training sessions each day can work wonders.
    o Once learned, have your dog sit for everything he wants from a treat to a door opening. This will make you a good leader while also getting in plenty of real-life practice.

  2. sweetsex…

    Well, when we trained our dog, we held a treat in front of his nose and slowly brought it upwards. He then followed the treat until his nose was up and his butt was down. Make sure to say “Sit” while bringing the treat up, and he should get the hang of it after a few tries. Our dog learned it in about 20 minutes! You probably shouldn’t use the “butt down” method as you want the dog to sit willingly, and not have to push him or her down all the time. Anyway, good luck!

  3. Holy Sprite 45

    Get your dog into the room and have him stand- up facing you.
    Step 2To teach him to sit, take the treat and put just above his nose, so he has to sit to reach it, and gently push his hips down.
    Step 3When he sit’s give him the treat and give him lots of love. The more love the more he understands, that if he sit’s he get’s love and treats.
    Step 4Once you do this multiple time’s he should understand, then just tell him sit with the treat above the nose, and he should now sit without having to push his hips down.
    Step 5Once he get’s this you can try without the treat. Once he sucessfully sits, give him lot’s of love…

  4. Aggressive White Hat SEO

    There’s no need to touch the dog at all.
    Take a treat, hold it firmly in your hand just in front of the dog’s nose. Move it back in a straight line behind his head(like you are going across the center of his head.) This will cause most dogs to sit.
    Whatever hand signal you use. use it all the time. It takes a very long time for a dog to understand the concept of pointing–they aren’t human. They’ll just look at your hand when you point-not at what you are pointing towards.

  5. I'm weird, ugly, and cute!

    Doesn’t make a bit of difference, use whatever the dog has the proper response to.
    I just slowly move my hand from in front of a dog nose to above it’s head, the dog will sit in order to still see the hand. Often a pup will need you to put a hand on it’s back and gently guide it into position, if you need to do that to get the proper responce, there is nothing wrong with doing so.

  6. Romantic Gift Ideas

    I am a Vet tech, and we always tell people to take their dog into a quiet room where your dog can focus. Get a treat that your dog enjoys start the treat at your dogs nose and slowly move the treat towards your dogs back. As you move the treat back your dog should start to sit down as your dog sits, say sit and repeat until your dog will sit with out a treat as a lead.

  7. T J

    Yes give her the command, put her in the position, praise and repeat. Once she will sit on command regularly you can incorporate the hand signal with the command. Soon she will be able to sit on the hand signal alone if that is what you want. Remember, dogs don’t speak English. Any word you want them to know, you are going to have to physically show her what it means… over and over. Good luck.

  8. Gracie

    Why is it that only ONE person in here got this correctly? Suzy answered you EXACTLY like it is supposed to be done. Pointing is useless and holding food over the dog’s head will cause some dogs to just back up, exactly what you do not need when first introducing a behavior. The fewer mistakes, the better, position the animal with your hands, show him what you want and when he does it, praise like crazy!! Hope I helped!!

  9. Syd XII

    they wont know what it means when you point down, so when you train them you should push their butt down a little but not hard and point down at the same time, you should give it some food when it sits, hope this helps!

  10. Greek God AKA Greekman

    Ask dear hubby where he picked up such a brainless load of manure?
    WTF would “pointing” do? IF the poor beast actually understood the gesture,it would LOOK/SNIFF the area. PUT in position-one word command-PRAISE when it complies & REPEAT.

  11. Brian Chen

    Whatever you do, do not push him down. It can seriously damage their back. just point to the floor and say sit clearly. with patience and guidance your dog will soon be sitting.

  12. Suzy Suxbutz-wuvs doggies 2!

    Just tell her to sit her assdown, or you are gonna give her pills via suppository method again.

  13. mortgages Tenerife

    I agree with just lifting a treat up so she sits automatically.
    Also, to teachto “shake” oir “give paw”, while they’re in the sitting position, grab their paw and say “shake” or “paw” (whichever you want to use), shake their paw then give a treat. After you do this a few times, she’ll get what the meaning of the word is.
    One thing to remember is that everyone in the house needs to use the same commands. “Sit” “shake/paw” “outside/go pee” “lay down” “drop/drop it”….pick one command (either “shake” or “paw”, not both) so she will understand quicker and do what you want faster.

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