i am looking to find out if any training facility can legally train my dog to be a service dog. i have been trying to read through some of the ADA’s documents on the training of service dogs but have not found anything that specificially states that service dogs can be trained by any facility. i was wondering if anyone had any experience with this and if they could point me to the correct documents to help me solve my issue. Thanks!


  1. Lady M

    Any trainer, facility or person can train a service dog. How well this is done is based on the persons experience. First the dog has to master basic obedience which any trainer can teach, then the dog has to learn skills specifically to assist the disabled person by providing help that mediates the disability.
    Visit http://www.adionline.orghttp://www.IAADP.org
    There is a public access test to help you judge a dogs ability to be in public. Many get the dogs CGC from AKC. There is no legal requirement for certification under the ADA. Some service dog training buisnesses do ‘self certify’ the dogs they train but it is not a legal requirement. It does specify that the disability has to affect a major life function and that the dog has to be individually trained to assist the disabled person. What helps one person may not count for another because each disability and how it affects the person is individual. There are also numerous yahoo groups on service dog training. There are also places that will test and certify your dog through their agency so you can obtain liability insurance through them at a group rate. Be leary of any of the online places that ask you to fill out a questionare, pay a fee and certify your dog sight unseen. They are shams and it is your word that they are using legally as the basis of certification through them, in the long run you could print off that pretty paper yourself, save the $200 because their certification means no more than your word anyway. There are a few that will allow video tapes sent to them that will certify based on video of seeing the dog perform. Again though these places are only as reliable as their word. If you feel you need certification have your dog certified as a therapy dog by TDI. The training requirement is very good, they only thing it really lacks is proof that the dog mitigates YOUR disability.
    There is no legal document that says what you are looking before because there is no ADA requirement for training by a specific trainer/group etc. State laws can vary but federal overides state. In fact more service dogs are owner trained that are turned out by service dog training groups. Many are trained by private trainers.http://www.deltasociety.org/ServiceInfor…
    Please read the entire page but here is a section of it.
    How do I find a service dog trainer to train my own dog?
    Refer to the list of service dog trainers and training programs and look for those that provide the service “Train Own Animal.” These trainers and programs will train your own dog to be a service dog, if it is appropriate.
    Note: Delta Society has a list of service dog trainers and training programs that asked to be listed on our web site. This list is not a complete list of every service dog trainer or training program, nor is it a guarantee of quality.
    Can I train my own dog to be a service dog?
    One of the big challenges for people training service dogs is getting the dog adequately trained for public access. Not all dogs have the temperament to handle the stress of working in public. Remember that you must meet the ADA definition of having a “disability” and, to be considered a service dog, your dog must be trained to perform tasks directly related to your disability.
    The Minimum Standards for Service Dogs documents the recommended characteristics and minimum set of skills required of all service dogs. The Minimum Standards also address the health and safety of the public, handler, and dog.
    Refer to the list of service dog trainers and training programs and look for those that provide the service “Train Handler.” These trainers and programs will help you train your own dog to be a service dog, if it is appropriate.

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