I have used frontline, k9 advantix and sprayed my house and yard and pens and there are still Fleas.
Articles Tagged: Tell
Cat Fleas: How Do You Tell If Your Cat Has Them?
How do you know if your cat has fleas? How can cats get fleas? My friend thinks my cat might have them but she doesn’t go outside much. Maybe once every three or four days. And she doesn’t go far from our step. She rubs on the ground though. Could she get them from that?
How Do You Tell If A Stray Has Earmites Or Fleas Etc That Might Spread To A House Cat?
I asked about the stray a few minutes ago and I’m also worried about fleas and other problems with bringing a stray cat into my home. I don’t want my other cat to have to suffer for it. Also, are two cats better than one (for each other I mean)? Do they share a litter […]
How Do You Tell If A Stray Has Earmites Or Fleas Etc That Might Spread To A House Cat?
I asked about the stray a few minutes ago and I’m also worried about fleas and other problems with bringing a stray cat into my home. I don’t want my other cat to have to suffer for it. Also, are two cats better than one (for each other I mean)? Do they share a litter […]
Can You Tell Me Some All Natural Ways To Prevent Fleas And Ticks?
Can you tell me some all natural ways to prevent fleas and ticks. Also affordable I was told a good raw diet would help but my dog can’t safely eat a raw diet. All Natural= as in no medicine or chemicals
How Can You Tell If Your Guinea Pig Have Fleas?
My guinea has been itching her back and i don’t know what it is. How can I tell if your guinea pigs has fleas or ticks?
How Can You Tell If A Kitten Has Fleas?
im taking in a stray kitten. she looks healthy her fur is shinny. she doesn’t scratch a lot. i don’t think she has fleas. but are there things to look for just in case she does have them? and i will not be able to get to the vet soon until later this week. and […]
How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Fleas?
I was sitting in my car for lunch today and a flea jumped on my arm. How can I tell if my cat (who is an indoor cat) has fleas?
How Can I Tell If My Teddy Bear Hamster Has Fleas?
I just got my hamster and right once i bought it i realized that i didn’t know if he had fleas! Is there any abnormal things they do if they have fleas? HELP!!!
Tell Me The Best Video For Dog Training?
Video is the best way to express the feelings so tell me the best video for pet dogs..
How Can I Tell If These Bites Are From Fleas?
All of a sudden I’ve been getting many bug bites on my feet, ankles, and calves. I just moved into a new apartment, and from what I’ve asked other people they think that my apartment has fleas. The bites are small and red, not big and swollen like mosquito bites. They are hard and they […]
Tell Me Some Of The Website Where I Can Download Free E-book About Dog Training?
Does anyone know the websites where I can get reliable dog trainings tips and suggestions.. And also tell me some of the books where I can learn about basic dog trainings…
Can Someone Tell Me How To Get Rid Of Fleas In The House Other Than Exspensive Store Bought Items?
Our dog has our house full of fleas!All 4 of our children have flea bites all over their bodies.Including my husband which has flea bites over 95% of his body! I have bought 3 different flea house sprays.None seemed to have worked.Also what to put on my family to get rid of their bites?I’ve been […]
Tell Me How Much Will Be Cost To Do Dog Training?
Hi yahoo answers how much will be the cost to do dog training and also mention the programs available to make my dog as service dog…
Can Any One Tell Me Of Any Dog Training Books?
Can any one tell me of any dog training books
How Do I Tell My Coworker That He His Bringing Fleas Into Work?
I have a coworker with whom I share a desk with on another shift and he must have fleas because I found one biting my arm and I am constantly finding bites on my legs. I don’t have any pets at home, so I know they are not from me. He has a couple dogs […]
How Can You Tell The Difference Between Fleas And Mites On Rats?
i though the little bugs on my rats were fleas but now i think they look more like mites how can i tell the difference. What do I do if they are mites?
How Can I Tell If My Dog Has Fleas?
My dog has been itching himself more than usual lately (the last week or so), but I never considered fleas until today. I noticed that he has little white things on his black fur. I can’t tell if they’re moving or not. Are fleas white? Can you see them with the naked eye? Can a […]
How Can I Tell If My Dog Has Dry Skin Or Fleas?
We shampoo our dog (german shepherd mix) every week with flea shampoo and put flea stuff on once a month. She has started to itch A LOT today (bathed her yesterday). She does not have flakes and her fur is so thick its hard to tell if she has fleas. She is scratching constantly. How […]
Tell Me Some Of The Websites For Dog Training?
Can anyone able to suggest me some of the websites for dog training and also give me some of the tips for dog training…